Current news:

New software has been posted!

We are adding mirror links for our downloads

Main Pages:

Books - Lots of free books in many formats

Chatroom - Chat with us or your friends

Downloads - Free software and graphics

E-mail protection - Create or remove a mirror address

Printables - Print out lined, graph, and other designs

Puzzles - Crossword, Sudoku, and more

Humor - Mostly comics

Site Help - If you are confused or lost, try this page

Contact Us - Questions? Comments?

About us - A little information about fun4you


There are many subpages, as well.


Fun4you is a free network, which offers free books, chatrooms, software, graphics (mainly wallpapers), humor (mostly comics), puzzles, internet browsing protection, printables, unique e-mail protection service, games (, and more! Have an idea? Let us know!

There is no catch. We never charge a cent, nor share any of your information.




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Please Note: We are not in any way related to or any other companies. We do not own a copyright, or any exclusive rights to our site content.

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